Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Bike Riding

                                         This is me doing Bike Riding. I still can't ride bikes.
                                                 I will need more practice to ride perfectly.

Trip to Te Tuhi

                                            This is me at Te Tuhi. I am waiting for the next step
                                                        for making my dream house.

Multiplication and Division

                                   I am learning to solve multiplication and division problems.
                  This is the strategy I am using. I must learn my multiplication and division tables.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Diamante Poem

                                           I was learning about nouns, verbs and adjectives.
                                                 I found it tricky to find the correct words.
                                     I was proud of finding lots of nouns, verbs and adjectives.
                                            Next I will use more of these words in my stories.